Prof. Ian McKelvie from Monash Uni working on the water quality equipment. Two Bays 2009
Pelican1 was built with the idea of facilitating marine research and to be a platform for sharing marine knowledge with the broader community. Our community engagement programs are often designed around marine research. So, for example, the Two Bays program in Port Phillip and Western Port Bays collects continuous water quality and refines the scientific equipment, while educating the general community about water quality and the health of the Bays. Today the Spirit of Tasmania collects water quality data every time it crosses Bass Strait with machines that were developed over the Two Bays program with Monash university and the EPA. Parks Victoria have been our partner over nearly ten years as they manage the marine parks in Port Phillip and Western Port Bays and have a deep interest in water quality. They also understand the needs to educate the general public about our underwater treasures and how we can protect them. Research has also shown that the more engaged people are with the local parks and marine parks, the healthier thay tend to be.
Weedy Sea Dragon is the emblem for the marine world of Victoria.
Below are a few images from our Whale research trips with IFAW and Pelter Gill (doing Blue Whale research). One means of sharing research is through film and there is now a wonderful documentary made of the Blue Whale research of Portland, called The Big Blue, filmed on board Pelican1.
Checking the hydro-accoustic equipment for listening to whales duriong the IFAW expedition
Meeting board Pelican1 during IFAW Cetation study in South Australia
Peter Gill working on equipment for Blue Whale research off Portland, Victoria Photo: Sandy Scheltema