Thornbury High students on board Pelican1.
How do we know what we know, what is a lively way to share our knowledge, how do we feel empowered by knowledge and how do we feel a part of what we are learning? We have found that digital story telling is a great way to begin to capture and enhance sea classroom learnings and allows a creative space to engage both young and old people more deeply. For many of the young people we have on board, it will be their first time on a boat, perhaps first time snorkelling and certainly the first time they have been in a sea classroom.
Here are some stories from young people from Thornbury High who came on board as part of the Two Bays program.
Connecting to Sea Country has been a collaborative effort delivered through VACCA (Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency) with Youthworx media, Natalie Davey from Saltwater Projects and the Boonwurrung Foundation . The ideas for this program have been developed over the last seven years of the Two Bays program.