Two Bays 2018 is due to begin during the late 2018 Summer season. This time is known to the Boonwurrung as Weegabil nye-whiny or 'old man sun.' The late Summer/early Autumn has significance too for an animal that I am endlessly fascinated with. Many of the Iilk (Boonwurrung for 'eel') are beginning their long journey from south-eastern Australian rivers to a very mysterious place in a deep part of the Coral Sea to breed. Short-Finned Eels require good water quality in their river homes over a long maturation cycle before they swim back to their birth place in the ocean. This animal requires health in both the marine and fresh symbolising with one of our overall aims of the program to share the importance of the health of our catchments and understand the impact of our land behaviour on the marine environment and our connections with it.